About Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1. Scope of Personal Information Use

CADDIES (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) responds to inquiries, reservations, and various dispatches (including notification emails) related to customer travel and handles personal information such as names, email addresses, ages, addresses, and phone numbers to carry out travel-related tasks. The provided personal information will only be used for the purpose of travel arrangements, various notifications, and analyzing usage trends for service improvement.

2. Protection of Personal Information

The Company takes measures to protect information transmitted over the Internet by supporting SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption and implementing the best measures to prevent unauthorized access to servers.

3. Disclosure of Personal Information

Without the customer’s consent, the Company will not disclose provided personal information to third parties other than cooperating companies under confidentiality agreements. However, personal information may be disclosed in the following cases:

  • (1) When the customer has consented to the disclosure of personal information.
  • (2) When disclosure is requested based on legal procedures.
  • (3) When it is determined that the disclosure would disadvantage the customer or a third party.
  • (4) When statistical personal information (information that cannot identify individuals) collected by the Company for analyzing usage trends on this website is disclosed.

4. Management of Personal Information

The Company, regardless of employment status (regular employees, contract employees, part-time workers, etc.), thoroughly manages customer personal information and takes the utmost care to prevent external leaks.

5. General Notes

Users should be aware that if they voluntarily disclose personal information on the Internet, that information may be collected and used by other users. Additionally, third-party companies or organizations accessed through links on this site, services, or companies collecting data through activities such as contests or promotional events have independent privacy policies, data collection regulations, or activity guidelines. The Company assumes no obligation or responsibility for these independent terms, activities, or regulations.

Personal Information Manager

About the Privacy Policy

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This website uses technologies such as cookies and web beacons. These are used for user identification, service customization, user count measurement, and advertising delivery purposes. Cookies can be disabled through browser settings, but disabling them may limit some functions.

Web Delivery Advertising

This site may display ads delivered by third parties, and as a result, these third parties may collect and use user cookie information. This includes retargeting ads from companies like Yahoo and Google. Users can opt-out of advertising use on the opt-out pages provided by each third-party website based on their privacy policy.