Palm hills golf resort

Palm Hills Golf Resort Hole 3 Par 3 HDCP 15 White: 158Y

Palm Hills Golf Resort


Palm Hills Golf Resort, located on a hill overlooking the cityscape of Itoman, is a hilly course spread out at an elevation of 130 meters.

The fairways are wide and popular with locals. Especially from the many downhill holes, you can enjoy a panoramic view of the beautiful sea and the city of Itoman.

Hole 3 Par 3 HDCP 15
White: 158Y


A short hole where one aims to reach the green in one shot, being cautious of the bunkers due to the large size of the green.

Around the Green


Large guard bunkers are located to the front left and right of the green. Be careful of the banyan tree at the back left of the green and the slope at the back right.

Tee shot


A flat short hole with a relatively large green. Regardless of the hole’s location, aiming for the center of the green is the safest bet.



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