Palm hills golf resort

Palm Hills Golf Resort Hole 11 Par 3 HDCP 18 White: 145Y

Palm Hills Golf Resort

Nestled atop a scenic elevation overlooking the bustling streets of Itoman City, the Palm Hills Golf Resort is a majestic hilly course that sprawls across an altitude of 130 meters. The resort’s fairways are notably expansive, endearing it to the local community for its popularity and the breathtaking views it offers. Particularly, from the vantage point of its numerous downhill holes, one is treated to the splendid panorama of the serene sea and the picturesque landscape of Itoman City.

Hole 11 Par 3 HDCP 18 White: 145Y

This particular hole is a downhill course that significantly feels the effects of the wind, necessitating a keen focus on precision rather than mere distance in one’s play.

Surroundings of the Green

To the right, at the forefront of the green, lies a guard bunker, while the rear is characterized by a slope. Missing the green could result in the ball rolling down this slope.

Tee Shot

On this par 3, players are faced with a downhill tee shot. Given the elevated position of the tee, the wind can play a pivotal role in the shot outcome. An overemphasis on avoiding the bunker before the green may lead to an overly strong hit, potentially causing the ball to overshoot the green. Therefore, it is advised to exercise careful consideration when selecting a club for this shot.



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