Palm hills golf resort

Palm Hills Golf Resort Hole 10 Par 4 HDCP 4 White: 405Y

Palm Hills Golf Resort

Palm Hills Golf Resort is perched on a hill overlooking the town of Itoman, offering a hilly course that spans at an elevation of 130 meters.

The fairways are wide and the course is popular among locals, especially for its numerous downhill holes from which one can enjoy panoramic views of the beautiful sea and Itoman city.

Hole 10 Par 4 HDCP 4 White: 405Y

A successful drive to keep the ball on the fairway is crucial, and club selection becomes key for the second shot.

Around the green

The only concern is the cart path located at the back right.

Approach shot

The green is spacious, encouraging bold shots. However, the approach is challenging due to a large bunker positioned about 100 yards in front of the green, seemingly disallowing any conservative play. Given the width of the green area, one would aim for a confident shot.

Tee shot

The tee shot demands precision as the fairways are narrow despite appearing open on both sides. A large bunker at approximately 300 yards requires strategic consideration for the tee shot, emphasizing accuracy over distance.



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